Fix: The In-row data page count for object is incorrect when running integrity check on SQL

When running an integrity check on your databases, you may get the following error on some databases.

Description: Executing the query "DBCC CHECKDB(N'mydb')  WITH NO_INFOMSGS  " failed with the following error: "The In-row data myrow page count for object "my_table", index ID 0, partition ID 52794353778688, alloc unit ID 52794353778688 (type In-row data) is incorrect.

This is due to the fact that the database in question was imported from another or older version of your current SQL server. This can be fixed by running the below command on the databases in question.


dbname = The name of your database

When the database is indeed one which is failing the integrity check you will see the below sample message.

DBCC UPDATEUSAGE: Usage counts updated for table 'mytable' (index 'mytable', partition 1):
DATA pages (In-row Data): changed from (2) to (1) pages.
USED pages (In-row Data): changed from (25) to (24) pages.
RSVD pages (In-row Data): changed from (41) to (40) pages

If the database doesn’t need to update it’s usage you will simply get the message below.

DBCC execution completed.

Once you have executed the update-usage on all databases which are failing, run the integrity check again and swish, it works.



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